Respectful, Safe, Responsible
(03) 50213311
Newsletter 14 - 2019
School Philosophy, Vision and Values
Our mission, "Striving for Independence" inspires us to create challenges for our students to be the best they can be. Within a safe, respectful and inclusive learning environment, we provide opportunities for students to develop skills for life and participation in the community.
We aim for individual responsibility, social and academic growth.
School Values
The school values, Be responsible, Be Respectful and Be Safe are important aspects in daily life and are explicitly taught throughout the school at all levels.
We share these goals with our parents and school community and use the common language of what we aim to do in our school newsletter and recognition awards.
The school is located in the remote Sunraysia area in close proximity to the NSW and South Australian borders. As the only facility of its type in this large and remote geographical area, its catchment area extends beyond the township of Ouyen to the south, east to Robinvale and westward towards South Australia. In the north, it caters for a number of students from NSW.
As the only specialist facility in the area, the school is a major resource for all students with an intellectual disability between the ages of five and 18 years. Students are taught in small groups by teaching staff, many with special education qualifications, supported by teacher assistants and paramedical staff. Speech, occupational and physiotherapists provide consultancy services for programs.
Mildura Specialist School is committed to safety and wellbeing of all children and young people and has a zero tolerance for child abuse. Mildura Specialist School recognises the importance of child safety and protecting children from abuse. Policies, procedures and a code of conduct document the school’s commitment to a zero tolerance to child abuse.
Our school is a proud member of the Happy School program.
We value our staff and believe that the work we do is important. Staff morale and well-being have a HUGE impact on student achievement, relationships within our school and the successful implementation of change. High stress levels have a negative impact and increase staff absence. A happier staff leads to better results!
As members of the Happy School program each week we receive a ready-to-use one page article to share with staff. The articles provide professional development and practical strategies to improve staff well-being, reduce stress, cope better with change, work effectively with others and engage our students. The articles are written by experts, especially for staff in schools.
The articles provide staff with…
strategies to improve well-being and reduce stress
skills to better use their time
develop a more positive attitude
work better with others; and
improve their work-life balance.
Over 600 schools across Australia, New Zealand and internationally are members of the Happy School program.